Do you know the one I'm talking about? When you...
- Purge items that don't serve a purpose
- Prefer simplicity
- Choose the colour white
But yesterday, while being inundated by all the useless crap at Walmart, I decided it's time to be a person of simplicity.
For instance, if I'm ever engaged, I've decided that I'm not going to register for one of those decorative bathroom soap pumps. Why create one more task and waste the money on something hideous? I made this decision after seeing the gaudiest soap pump in existence. It had a ginormous ruby smack dab in the middle of it. I'm all for rubies,but this just crossed a line. So soap pumps wear costume jewelry now... What is this world coming to? What's next bedazzeled spatulas? Please tell me there's an end to the madness!
So I'd like to simplify. I think I need to simplify. Of course I have no idea how to do that. And I suppose I need to embrace the colour white now like a true minimalist. And replace my furniture with items that look painful if I were to ever accidentally run into them.
I hate that I'm bringing up Bryan Adams again...but it's just something that I do. Anyways, his apartment was recently featured in Elle Decor magazine. Epitome of minimalism in my opinion. I would think that I could use that place as a reference. It's got everything covered.
- Coffee table that looks like it will most certainly be my knee caps' worst enemy....check.
- Furniture that looks uncomfortable....check
- It's predominantly white...check
- Consists of nothing that was made before 1960...check
- Contains no more than 9 books...check
I know I should try to be more simple. But I'm drawn to rooms like this:
- Clutter....check
- Dark, like a cave or lair with damask wallpaper....check
- Nothing that was made AFTER 1960....check
- Too many books to count in one glance....check
- Lots of lamps...check.
- Lots of places to sit and curl up with great books....check
- Lots of tables to set said books....check
I don't think I can be both. The Minimalist v. The Horder. Why do I have a feeling the Horder is going to win this round?
Does anyone have any advice on the matter? Do you think it's unhealthy to avoid white space and embrace clutter? Or do you find white space conducive to creativity?