Once there, I intend to take every corner with a sharp, exaggerated 90 degree turn. I want to lay out on the front lawn and complain how I have nothing to do and feign disinterest for the gardner. Then maybe I'll work on writing a screen play in the garden or "give the nettles a good thrashing." I'd even consider going for a dip in the fountain if the rules permit.
Here's a view from the back of the estate. If I remember right, it is used in the darker scenes. It contributes to the more ominous mood of the film...like when Robbie is having the flashback and everyone is staggered on the porch.
If you haven't seen it, I hope I'm not giving anything away. I've met many people who didn't care for this film, but I for one love the way in which the story is told. It's broken into chunks and replays the same scene multiple times because in reality we never have the enitre story at our disposal when events occur that confuse us or make our life difficult.
We only have snipets and our perspective can distort and skew what actually happened, especially when one has a vivid imagination.
There are many things that contribute to my love of this film. I'm absolutely in love with the fact that the typewriter is incorporated into the score. And I love that it's set in the 1930's and is so much like the book. But this post gives me a chance to express how much I adore the cinematography of this masterpiece. Although the film is directed by Joe Wright, Seamus McGarvey is given credit for the cinematography. Now I'm not an expert at anything, cinematography most of all. But I know what I like. And I like this film. Here are a few of my favourite shots for you to peruse.
Another thing I love about this movie is that it is so detail driven. Even after seeing it countless times, I'm still finding choices and similarities that I have never noticed before. This past time I observed that Robbie is seen tying his boot lace...and moments later we see Cecila fuss with her sandles. I have to think that was intentional.
"Can you do me one of your Bolshevik roll-ups?" Her accent is so thick and she talks so fast, but I think their chemistry is dynamic.
He's playing "O S
oave Fanciulla, O Dolce Viso" from La bohème in case you were wondering...
Oh, wouldn't this be an amazing location for a game of flashlight tag?
I love how you can see Cecila light her cigarette.
I feel like that is something F. Scott Fitzgerald would describe. Ian McEwan's details are quite satisfying though. I should call him the modern Fitzgerald from now on.
I'm thoroughly convinced that James McAvoy is the greatest actor of my generation. This film features some of his best work. Why wasn't he nominated for an Oscar?
Sorry, I got a bit carried away. There are just so many shots that I wanted to share with you. It's such an exquisite movie. I can't wait to tour the house someday.
I loved this movie! I also love your posts!
ReplyDeleteWell thank you, 8ae91572-ea80-11e2-b18c-000bcdcb8a73! I'm glad to know there is someone else out there that loves this movie too!