At the request of my little bro, I attempted to recreate a picture that he found in a youtube video. It plays during an opera that he frequently listens to. I know, I was shocked to learn that James listened to classical music as well. It depicts the story of Der Erlkonig which apparently is near and dear to his heart. From what I could tell, the original was done in some sort of charcoal. I opted to use a black conte and was pleased with the results. I can see now that I needed to keep the horse lighter...especially the neck, but the gift was well received. I pinned the drawing to a lamp shade of his and went to bed. When he finally came home, he barged into my room saying he liked it better than the original. Ultimate success.
You didn't tell me that he liked it better than the original! What a compliment. I'm amazed by your artoosty abilities.