Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Austrian Cards

It has been a busy week. Not only did our local production of The Sound of Music open on Thursday night, I celebrated my birthday on Friday. I had several fellow cast members who were also celebrating their birthdays this week and I was resolved to personalize a card for each of them. The cards feature scenic views of Austria- you know, where the hills are alive with musical sounds apparently. Incidentially, each card also contains a mountain. I guess I set out to "Draw every mountain and ford every stream...until I found my dream."  
This one was for Mother Abbess- That's Nonnberg Abbey in Salzberg in the foreground.

This one is for Sister Sophia. She actually hasn't seen it yet-I'm hoping she loves it!
 This one went to Maria. It reminds me of the canoe scene in the film version of The Sound of Music.

And this one was given to our director. It wasn't his birthday, but he deserved a card on opening night...

Okay, so this last one drawn with Conte crayon was actually not the card.  I regret to inform you that I didn't get a chance to take the picture of the final card but it looked a lot like this one. In fact, I used this as a reference. It should also be noted that the original mountain that I drew was not located in Austria--Try New Zealand, but when I imagine the VonTrapps fleeing the Nazis, they are climbing over this baby.

I'll post more about the show as the run progresses...Or not...I may just spend all my free time on Pinterest. The site that has successfully prevented me from doing anything else productive since I finally figured out how to use it. But if I do blog about anything, I'll be sure to let you know.

'Til then,


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